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Isidora Todorovic was born 1984. In Novi Sad. She finished Basic studies and MA within the Department of New Media at the Academy of Fine Arts in Novi Sad She is employed as TA at the Department of New Media at the Academy of Fine Arts in Novi Sad. She is currently working on her doctoral thesis at the Department of Art and Media Theory at the University of Arts in Belgrade.
Selected festivals:
2013. - Play Again! Games and culture conference ,Košice, Slovakia
2014. - Fields exhibition,Arsenals Exhibition Hall of the Latvian National Arts Museum (LNAM)
,Produced by RIXC, with Can You feel the spill? political board game/android app
2014. - SUTRA/TOMORROW (Blend of Art, Technology, Diversity and Authenticity) festivals,
Belgrade Youth Centre
2015. - Device art, Zagreb, Croatia
2015. - Wonderlab, Museum of conteporary art, Novi Sad,Serbia
2015. - Performing the Museum , archives and power, part of Creative Europe initiative, Museum
of conteporary art, Novi Sad, Serbia
2017. “ART & SCIENCE” - Cultural Center of Belgrade European Digital Art and Science
Network (in collaboration with Ars Electronica from Linz, Science Gallery from Dublin, GV Art
from London, LABoral from Gijon, Etopia from Saragossa, Kapelica Gallery from Ljublјana and
DIG Gallery from Košice )
2017. - SUTRA/TOMORROW (Blend of Art, Technology, Diversity and Authenticity), Museum
of technology, Belgrade
2017. - Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria, Future innovators summit
Selected Exibitions:
2008.- Remont, Belgrade
2010.- Hybrid media camp, Museum of conteporary art, Novi Sad,Serbia
2011.- Hybrid media camp,Black House, CK 13 , Novi Sad,Serbia
2013.- Autonomies, organised by NAPON,Museum of conteporary art, Novi Sad,Serbia
2014.-Antropology of travel, Issu Perpetum Mobile, Belgrade
2015. - Performing the Museum ,Archive and power, Museum of conteporary art, Novi
2015.- Danube Dialogues, Rajko Mamuzic, Novi Sad, Serbia
2016.- Design week, Novi Sad FAIR, Novi Sad,Serbia
Public lectures/workshops/conferences:
2011 - Workshop Locative gaming ,Museum of Contemporary Art, Novi Sad,Serbia
2012 - lecture "Politics and art media systems " in the series dedicated to digital art world.
Cultural Center of Novi Sad,Serbia
2013. - Artist talk, Autonomies, Museum of conteporary art, Novi Sad, Serbia
2014. - Public lecture , On Games for Social Changes and as Art Research. Can you feel the spill
(on Kravtsovskoye oilfield), Liepia University, Latvia.
2015.- Art and science award (shortlisted for Serbia), presentation Gallery of Science and
Technology of the Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences, Berlgrade,Serbia
2016. - Artist talk, Museum of conteporary art, Novi Sad, Serbia
2016. -European Youth Conference on Internet as a Commons, Share conference,
2017. - Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria, Future innovators summit
2017. -KAT conference, Art in education ,Museum of Contemporary Art, Novi Sad,Serbia
2007 - Perspective Award, Art Department, the board game,The Travel game
2013. - Residency at Nida Art Colony or NAC, Lithuania, subdivision of the Vilnius Academy of
2013.- Bogdanka Poznanović; Award for best interactive installation for One Good Day, android
app, Videomedeja festival, Novi Sad Serbia
2016. - European Digital Art and Science award/national selection winer,Center for promotion of
Science, Belgrade in collaboration with Ars Electronica
2017. - Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria, Future innovators summit
Published theoretical texts:
AM, Journal for the Study of Art and Media, Number 2, Orionart, 2012. "Political Network /
power relations and strategies of resistance"
Collection of theoretical texts of the Academy of Arts, University of Arts in Novi Sad, 2013;Text:
"Art against art, art as an institutional practice and as a critique of institutions".
"INTERNET IN THE AGE OF SERBIA, Internet as a communication media in Serbia",
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy Department of Media Studies, 2014 .
Contemporary reading of technology, ebook, "Political Network / power relations and strategies
of resistance", Napon, 2016.
Art the new economic model for post labour society,Renewable Futures. Art, Science and Society
in the Post-Media Age Paperback , 2017 edited by Rasa Smite ,Raitis Smits,Armin Medosch
Organisation of local cultural events:
2010.-2011. -Hybrid media camp, Begeč, Serbia
2010-2015. - Short film and video festival-Shortz, Academy of Arts in Novi Sad, Serbia
2013. - 2014. Pannonian Art Path, IPA cooperative project Academy of arts Novi Sad, Serbia/
Art Academy Osijek, Croatia
2016. -Organs and organisms,Museum of conteporary art, Novi Sad, Serbia
2017.-Festival of the night sky, Planetarium,Petrovaradin Fortress, Academy of arts Novi Sad in
colaboration with Astronomical society Novi Sad
Collections/reproductions in magasines:
2009. - print Whose chair is it ? Published in magasine WHW, Croatia
2012. - #money#unhate , Benetnon collection of small formats
2016. -Soft connection, collection of new media artworks, Museum of conteporary art, Novi Sad,